Houston: We have umbilical detachment!

Monday, March 3, 2008

The only remaining evidence that Mika lived her first nine months in Yuki's womb disappeared today, when Mika's umbilical cord stump fell off during her bath. The whole thing was rather unceremonious. One minute, it was sticking out of her tummy looking all hard and gross. The next minute it was gone, revealing her belly button. I don't think Mika even knew what happened.

The rest of her bath was uneventful, though quite cute. Yuki wrapped her in a bunny towel from "Aunty Laura" while she got wiped down with warm, soapy water. I took (and have since posted) lots of photos of the bath. No worries -- I didn't include any photos of the umbilical stump!


R said...

Awww.. what a cute little bunny. With perfect skin!:) Wish all our baths were uneventful!