More Photo Galleries Posted

Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's official: I have become my father. He's the one in our family who always has a camera (sometimes two or three at the same time). We usually scoff at him while he's constantly shooting pictures, but when the pictures are developed (or uploaded to a computer), we elbow each other out of the way to give them a look.

Maybe it's a side-effect of fatherhood, or maybe it's in the Sanborn genes... but ever since Mika was born, our camera has been permanently attached to my hip. No moment is too mundane. Mika yawns, I take a picture. She sleeps, I take more pictures. She stares blankly at the wall, I zoom in to capture the oh-so-cute blankness in her eyes.

I've posted a couple new galleries with some of the photos I've taken over the last few days. I already feel bad for our second child... there will be 10,000 pictures of Mika, and probably one photo of our second kid's 1st birthday and then one more at his/her college graduation.


Anonymous said...

Ok Pete. You sure Mika is ever awake? All the photos I'm seeing are of a peaceful, sleeping girl. Come on. Post some of those late night adventure photos! :-)