Mika: Meet Sea Monkey Anderson

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My sister recently shared some wonderful news with us... she's pregnant! Ann had her first ultrasound, which confirmed that a weird, gray and white blob has taken up residence in a large black blob somewhere in her body. As far as blobs go, it's one of the cutest I've ever seen.

Ann and Drew have apparently decided to call their baby-to-be "Sea Monkey." A non-traditional name it is, but I think it has real potential. I'm thinking the kid is a shoe-in for a job with "cirque du soleil" or as an avante guarde clothing designer. Or maybe our kids can form some kind of band... perhaps "Mika and the Sea Monkeys."

On a serious note, I hope Mika and "Sea Monkey" become fast friends, so we have lots of reasons to hang out as a big family. Watching my little sister become a mom is going to be pretty amazing.


Ann said...

I like the idea of Sea Monkey taking part in a circus act but, given my awful gross motor skills as a child, it's unlikely that cirque de soleil is in any of my children's futures!

A22K said...

There's a town called Buellton a few hours Northwest of LA who's main clam to fame seems to be a restaurant called "Pea Soup Andersen's." I know this because of the relentless series of billboards one encounters on trips to and from Northern California http://www.vintagedepotdirect.com/media/MT20.jpg
All this is by way of saying if "Sea Monkey" doesn't work out, maybe they can name the kid "Pea Soup!"

Congrats Ann!