Spit-up, snorting and other adventures at the pediatrician's office

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This morning, Yuki and I took Mika to her second pediatrician's appointment. He started by asking us how we felt the first week at home had gone. After giving it a moment's thought, we told him, "She's still breathing, so we considered that a small victory!"

As it turns out, Mika has been doing just fine. She's gained weight, has good color, and hasn't developed any strange maladies that caused the pediatrician to seize her on the spot. I asked about her frequent snorting (think little piglet) -- it's normal. We wondered about her refusal to go to sleep after 6 PM -- also completely normal. We even asked if Mika was still on course to gain admission to the university of her choice -- that one, it seems, is a little harder to determine during a routine exam (but we still have our fingers crossed).

The positive health report card was great, but the morning was made complete when Mika sneezed while spitting up -- resulting in a strange long-range projectile spray of spit up all over my sweater. You know you love your daughter when the only thing that comes to mind is: "She was looking right in my eyes when she sneezed -- she must really love me!"


Aisling said...

Wait until the spit up comes both out the nose and the mouth at the same time landing squarely on your clean clothes(ha, say goodbye to those) and you're standing in the middle of the room pondering who to change first....

R said...

yep, those are the best!

Craig said...


Mika is absolutely beautiful. That's definitely Yuki's hair, but I think she has Pete's eyebrows. I'm so excited for you guys, and I can tell you're already fantastic parents.

I miss you two, and can't wait to meet Mika.